Hljodaklettar are a bizarre looking group of crater plugs, the remains of ancient volcanoes. They have been heavily eroded by the foaming glacial river, depicting basaltic columns in different positions. They create all kind of patterns  – swirls, spirals, rosettes and honeycombs. This is what makes them unique in the world. It is a great experience to walk among the cliffs and strange rock formations. It’s easy to imagine being on an alien planet in a far off solar system. 

Hljodaklettar (“Echo rocks” or “The Whispering Cliffs”) derives its name from an acoustic effect and strange echoes, created by the numerous caves and uncommon rock formation. It makes it impossible to determine the directions of the noisy rivers.  It is interesting to listen to the cliff acoustic near the river.

Even more interesting is it to walk between the unique geological phenomena: basalt columns in various shapes, cliffs, honeycomb weathering and caves. There are many strange formations and even large cave, one that is name the Kirkjan or the Church.

Hiking in Hljodaklettar

You can follow two different hiking trails through Hljodaklettar. Both er relatively easy and well marked. The first one takes only about half an hour to walk. The other one, which encircles the whole area and offer plenty of photo opportunities, takes about three hours to complete. We fully recommend the hike. Don’t forget your camera, the cliffs offer many photo opportunities.

The road to Hljodaklettar (#862) is closed over the winter months. Please watch for road signs.

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